A Winter Breakfast: Chai & Cacao Spiced Porridge

A Winter Breakfast: Chai & Cacao Spiced Porridge

Winter is coming and to us that means porridge for breakfast & endless cups of chai! Uppma's recipe for Chai & Cacao Spiced Porridge is just a little bit special and would make a great breakfast in bed treat for someone you love (this includes...you!). We also think it would make a delicious surprise for Mum on Mother's Day xx

In this recipe, Uppma uses our Chai Dust, however you could also add either our 11 Spice Chai or Golden Chai to a mortar & pestle to grind to a fine dust.  This recipe can be made vegan as well by using a non-dairy milk and maple or golden syrup. Enjoy! 

Chai and Cacao Spiced Porridge

Serves: 2

120g rolled oats
3/4 cup milk of your choice (dairy, soy, almond, oat)
3/4 cup water
2 teaspoon cacao powder
2 teaspoon Chai Dust
1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
1 tablespoon honey (we love Summer Hill Honey) or maple syrup - you can add as much or as little as you like for your tastebuds!

1. In a saucepan, add porridge, water and milk and stir on a medium temperature until combined.
2. Add cacao powder, cinnamon and Chai Dust. Cook for approximately 7 minutes. 

Chai Walli spiced chai, cinnamon and cacao porridge recipe
3. You may add a little more milk or water to get the creamy consistency you prefer.
4. Once cooked, take off the heat and stir in your honey or maple syrup. 

Summer Hill native Australian raw local honey
5. Transfer to two serving bowls, top with a little sprinkling of Chai Dust or cinnamon & enjoy!

Could there be anything more delicious to start your day with? Oats are an amazing source of protein so this porridge will fill you up and get you ready for a fun day ahead.

Best served alongside a steaming cup of chai!  

Chai Walli award winning masala chai being enjoyed in bed


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